Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Faith & the Economy

So often we have been led to believe that there is no correlation between our spiritual lives and our material/economic lives. Nothing could be farther from the truth. As Christians seeking to please God, and caring for our families and our futures, we have to rely upon God more during this economic downturn, than when things are going along swimmingly.
All of us are concerned about our futures, but we must realize that our future is not in the hands of Wall Street, or in the hands of The Fed, or Capital Hill. Our lives, and our futures are in God's hands because we put them there. Should you sell, should you buy? These are questions of a panicked investor. Having faith allows our blood pressure to calm even in the face of a storm: economic storms and other life crises. Does this mean your 401(k) is safe? No, there's no magic to being a faithful Christian. We all have seen our retirement plans diminish, and our investments hurt. But our long term health and financial well being is not in our hands. It is in God's hands. We are all suffering right now. We are all uncertain about the future right now, except that we know this: "We belong to God and God is always with us."
I'm not giving investment advice, I am giving spiritual encouragement. Don't fret over the future you cannot see, that no one can see; but place your faith in God who not only sees the future, but because of his love for you, holds you in his hands. God will provide for us regardless of the balance in our accounts on paper.


Anonymous said...

Bruce, I appreciate your comments regarding the economy. There are a lot of problems, and it's nice to remember that these are things that are beyond our control. The best thing we can do is to have faith in God, and everything else will take it's course.

Karen Hamner said...

My family has been personally affected by the problems in the enconomy. My faith sustains me in this uncertain time. I have felt the peace of Christ in my life as my friends and family have been praying for us. I pray for all those families that are dealing with the loss of a job and the process of finding a new one. I pray that they have God in their lives to lean on. When my son Adam lost his leg 2 1/2 years ago, I said to my Mom, "I'm not strong enough for this!" and she told me that I didn't have to be strong, that God would carry me through. And He did and I know that he will carry me through this as well. So, I do what I can and what I can't I turn over to God.